Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Truth Behind Alzheimers Disease - Free Essay Example

Its not uncommon for an individual to suffer from episodes of forgetfulness, it happens everyday, in fact it is partly a good thing that we forget certain things because if we didnt, our minds would be over filled with all the information we have ever retained. However the things we tend to forget are usually small and wont affect our lives to drastically. For example, forgetting the name of a song you recently learned about or my favorite, when men forget to put the toilet seat down. But what would you do if your memory was so bad that you began to forget how complete simple everyday tasks, and couldnt ever remember how to do so. Imagine waking up in the morning and not knowing or understanding where you are. Or on the other hand, imagine looking at one of your parents and they fail to recognize you one day. Alzheimers disease is a brain disease in which damaged and dying brain cells cause mental deterioration over a period of time (Blackwell and Manar, 2015 p.125). The problem with alzheimers disease is that it is an irreversible disease that progresses over time and nearly anyone can get it! According to Kivipelto and Hakansson (2017), in the US, alone 32% of people over the age of 85 have been diagnosed with alzheimers and this is expected to increase. There is an estimated 50 million people with alzheimers disease and, By 2050 if no new treatments succeed in delaying the condition, more than 130 million may suffer with some form of the disease. About 60 to 70 percent of these patients will have Alzheimers dementia, and around 20 to 25 percent will be classified as suffering from the vascular form of the illness. (Kivipelto and Hakansson, 2017). Thats a scary thought to think about because this disease could affect, your parents, your spouse or more scarily yourself! I personally get to see my residents at work suffer from the disease which lead me to be more and more curious as to what it actually was. What causes Alzheimers, how does someone take care of one with the disease and what does one with this disease have to deal with in terms of behavior are all questions that came to mind after first hearing about the disease. We may never know why some people get alzheimers and other people do not but according to Bennett (2016), and although there is no known cause, genetics come into play and some people are just unfortunate to inherit high-risk genes associated with the disease. This disease deteriorates the brain so much that even the size of the brain shrinks according to Blackwell and Manar, (2015). This is because with alzheimers disease follows brain cell death. The cause of this cell death is greatly explained as follows: Today we know that these classic features are accumulations of malfunctioning proteins†mostly misfolded fragments of beta-amyloid in the plaques and abnormal tau in the tangles (Bennett, 2016) It is normal for any brain that has gone through the natural process of life through late adulthood to exhibit some plaque and/or tangles in the brain, however a brain diagnosed with alzheimers has relatively more. According to research you are more likely to get alzheimers if you haveadvanced age, trauma such as head injury, and gene mutations (Blackwell and Manar, 2015 p.127). There is no known treatment to cure or prevent the progression however researchers have been trying and trying for years. Not only are there over 100 ongoing clinical trials to create a drug for alzheimers, but also More than 200 experimental drugs intended to treat it have failed during the past 30 years. (Kivipelto and Hakansson, 2017). Throughout the years research has come up with some theories that have been proven to help prevent the onset of alzheimers. For example maintaining good cardiovascular health, a well-balanced diet, the achievement of higher education levels and having an active social life all diminish the risk of getting the disease as stated by Kivipelto and Hakansson, (2017). Research suggests that a good specific diet that could dramatically lower the risk of developing alzheimers is the MIND diet which is known to be rich in berries, vegetables, whole grains a nd nuts (Bennett, 2016). In the brief time of my CNA career I watched a very close resident of mine decline drastically and eventually die of Alzheimers. When I first met her, she came to know and remember who I was very quickly but closer to the time of her passing, it was clear that she did not remember my name and wasnt ever going to. In her final stages, she seemed like an entirely different person. After doing research I learned that some of the behaviors and symptoms accompanied with this disease include inattention to personal hygiene, forgetfulness, lack of concentration and impaired judgment with later symptoms being the inability to read, walk, speak, take care of themselves and remember their loved ones (Blackwell and Manar, 2015 p.125). Learning this helped me understand why my dear friend would often not make any sense when she was talking and do stuff out of the ordinary like walk around in the middle of the night collecting things. I would see her agitated, wandering and repeating the things she did. Her behaviors were much worse when I worked the evening shift, which I came to learn was associated with sundowning, a common side effect many Alzheimers victims have to deal with, like Kalb, Wingert, Grossman, Weingarten, and Raymond, (2000) stated, For some unknown reason, people with Alzheimers can become increasingly agitated at the end of the day. I was taken by surprise to see how often these people become combative also. We may just be providing help to this person, but in the eyes of someone who has the disease they may not understand what you are doing or think you are hurting them, so they proceed to being combative to protect themselves. Hitting, scratching, biting, and kicking are all very common acts that someone with Alzheimers disease may display. Caring for a loved one with Alzheimers is a horrific burden for most peoplestressful and enormously expensive, with few services covered by insurance (Kalb, Wingert, Grossman, Weingarten, and Raymond, 2000) . According to Kalb, Wingert, Grossman, Weingarten, and Raymond, (2000), 70 percent of people with alzheimers live at home and of every every for caregivers, three of them are women. These caregivers are ripped apart both emotionally by watching their loved ones deteriorate and suffer, but also financially as, $174,000 The average cost of caring for a person with Alzheimers throughout the course of the disease (Kalb, Wingert, Grossman, Weingarten, and Raymond, 2000). This often brings depression as studies show that one third these caregivers suffer from serious depression Kalb, Wingert, Grossman, Weingarten, and Raymond, (2000). Since the other 30 percent of alzheimers patients reside in nursing homes like the one I work at, I decided to turn to my nurses at my job who had more experience for answers. A particular nurse that had been working with alzheimers patients for nearly 25 years told me that caring for someone with Alzheimers is very difficult and every persons case is different. If you dont have patience you will not be able to take care of that person. You might have to answer the same question 100 times or more because within seconds of the conversation they have already forgot the question you asked or even asking the question. When caring for someone the with disease you might have to help them get dressed or dress them completely and feed them. If they reach the later stages of Alzheimers they may become totally dependent on others and for some families they are just not able to take care of another human being so they resort to nursing homes and other care facilities. Caring for those in that k ind of setting requires them to be locked inside of the unit because it is very dangerous for them to go out on their own into the outside world yet that is the goal for many of them who are trying to return to a place more comfortable to them. Something she told me that I found fascinating was that when she works with them she has to get into their world. In their brain they may think that they are in a different time period in their lives and be confused because they are somewhere other than where they are thinking. To successfully help that person you have to go along with what they are saying as you try and redirect them so that you dont upset them and make the situation worse. More attempts to enhance the care for alzheimers patients as, Researchers are also experimenting with ways to calm residents fiddling, pacing and outbursts, using everything from aromatherapy to aquariums (Kalb, Wingert, Grossman, Weingarten, and Raymond, 2000). In a recent study, simple one-on-one intera ctions helped reduce half the disruptive verbal outbursts in a nursing home. Nursing homes are also making advancements such as creating smaller, homier setting for the residents equipped with kitchens and laundry rooms to engage those who have lost the capacity to do other things on their own as well as keep them busy. Just last week my facility switched out all of our overhead lights for much brighter lights which corresponds with the research that, Specialists are calling for lots of light to eliminate frightening shadows and help reduce depression, which is also widespread in the Alzheimers population. Light is especially important in the late afternoon and early evening, when a phenomenon known as sundowning kicks in. (Kalb, Wingert, Grossman, Weingarten, and Raymond, 2000). Alzheimers is a terrible disease that can be compared to, losing pages from a chronological photo album of your life from back to front†with childhood memories the last to go (Bennett, 2016). There are many different foundations such as the Walk to End Alzheimers to help raise money for the research of this disease as well as caring for those with it. I am excited to be able to better help my residents and expand my understanding about a disease that is so common in the United States especially since baby boomers are reaching late adulthood. It hurts my heart to know that millions of people have to suffer from this disease, however now knowing the signs helps me to be less fearful for the future because I can better handle a situation if I or a loved one ever develops the disease. I encourage everyone else to become more knowledgeable of the signs since the population of those who have it is continuously increasing and it does not seem to be going away anytime soon. With this new information we should all take measures to live a healthy lifestyle and hopefully avoid getting alzheimers. Reference Alzheimers Disease. (2015). In A. H. Blackwell E. Manar (Eds.), UXL Encyclopedia of Science (3rd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 125-128). Farmington Hills, MI: UXL. Retrieved from Bennett, D. A. (2016). BANKING AGAINST ALZHEIMERS. (cover story). Scientific American Mind, 27(4), 28-37. Kalb, C., Wingert, P., Grossman, K. N., Weingarten, T., Raymond, J. (2000). Coping With the Darkness. (cover story). Newsweek, 135(5), 52. Kivipelto M, Hkansson K. A RARE SUCCESS AGAINST ALZHEIMERS. (cover story). Scientific American [serial online]. April 2017;316(4):32-37. Available from: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 28, 2017.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

100 Commonly Used Terms in English Grammar

This collection provides a quick review of the basic terminology used in the study of traditional English grammar. For a more detailed examination of the word forms and sentence structures introduced here, click on any of the terms to visit a glossary page, where youll find numerous examples and expanded discussions. Abstract Noun A noun (such as courage or freedom) that names an idea, event, quality, or concept. Contrast with a concrete noun. Active Voice The verb form or voice in which the subject of the sentence performs or causes the action expressed by the verb. Contrast with passive voice. Adjective The part of speech (or word class) that modifies a noun or a pronoun. Adjective forms: positive, comparative, superlative. Adjective: adjectival. Adverb The part of speech (or word class) that is primarily used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs can also modify prepositional phrases, subordinate clauses, and complete sentences. Affix A prefix, suffix, or infix: a word element (or morpheme) that can be attached to a base or root to form a new word. Noun: affixation. Adjective: affixable. Agreement The correspondence of a verb with its subject in person and number, and of a pronoun with its antecedent in person, number, and gender. Appositive A noun, noun phrase, or series of nouns used to identify or rename another noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. Article A type of determiner that precedes a noun: a, an, or the. Attributive An adjective that usually comes before the noun it modifies without a linking verb. Contrast with a predicative adjective. Auxiliary A verb that determines the mood or tense of another verb in a verb phrase. Also known as a helping verb. Contrast with a lexical verb. Base The form of a word to which prefixes and suffixes are added to create new words. Capital Letter The form of an alphabetical letter (such as A, B, C) used to begin a sentence or proper noun; an uppercase letter, in contrast to lower case. Verb: capitalize. Case A characteristic of nouns and certain pronouns that express their relationship to other words in a sentence. Pronouns have three case distinctions: subjective, possessive, and objective. In English, nouns have only one case inflection, the possessive. The case of nouns other than the possessive is sometimes called the common case. Clause A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. A clause may be either a sentence (an independent clause) or a sentence-like construction within a sentence (a dependent clause). Common Noun A noun that can be preceded by the definite article and that represents one or all of the members of a class. As a general rule, a common noun does not begin with a capital letter unless it appears at the start of a sentence. Common nouns can be subcategorized as count nouns and mass nouns. Semantically, common nouns can be classified as abstract nouns and concrete nouns. Contrast with a proper noun. Comparative The form of an adjective or adverb involving a comparison of more or less, greater or lesser. Complement A word or word group that completes the predicate in a sentence. The two kinds of compliments are subject complements (which follow the verb be and other linking verbs) and object complements  (which follow a direct object). If it identifies the subject, the complement is a noun or pronoun; if it describes the subject, the complement is an adjective. Complex Sentence A sentence that contains at least one independent clause and one dependent clause. Compound-Complex Sentence A sentence that contains two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Compound Sentence A sentence that contains at least two independent clauses. Conditional Clause A type of adverbial clause that states a hypothesis or condition, real or imagined. A conditional clause may be introduced by the subordinating conjunction if or another conjunction, such as unless or in the case of. Conjunction The part of speech (or word class) that serves to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. The two main types of conjunction are coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions. Contraction A shortened form of a word or group of words (such as doesnt and wont), with the missing letters usually marked by an apostrophe. Coordination The grammatical connection of two or more ideas to give them equal emphasis and importance. Contrast with subordination. Count Noun A noun that refers to an object or idea that can form a plural or occur in a noun phrase with an indefinite article or with numerals. Contrast with a mass noun (or noncount noun). Declarative Sentence A sentence in the form of a statement (in contrast to a command, a question, or an exclamation). Definite Article In English, the definite article the is a determiner that refers to particular nouns. Compare to indefinite article. Demonstrative A determiner that points to a particular noun or to the noun it replaces. The demonstratives are this, that, these, and those. A demonstrative pronoun distinguishes its antecedent from similar things. When the word precedes a noun, it is sometimes called a demonstrative adjective. Dependent Clause A group of words that has both a subject and a verb but (unlike an independent clause) cannot stand alone as a sentence. Also known as a subordinate clause. Determiner A word or a group of words that introduces a noun. Determiners include articles, demonstratives, and possessive pronouns. Direct Object A noun or pronoun in a sentence that receives the action of a transitive verb. Compare to an indirect object. Ellipsis The omission of one or more words, which must be supplied by the listener or reader. Adjective: elliptical or elliptic. Plural, ellipses. Exclamatory Sentence A sentence that expresses strong feelings by making an exclamation. (Compare with sentences that make a statement, express a command, or ask a question.) Future Tense A verb form indicating the action that has not yet begun. The simple future is usually formed by adding the  auxiliary  will  or  shall  to the  base form of a verb. Gender A grammatical classification which in English applies primarily to the third-person singular  personal pronouns:  he, she, him, her, his, hers. Gerund A  verbal  that ends in  -ing  and functions as a noun. Grammar The set of rules and examples dealing with the  syntax  and word structures of a language. Head The keyword that determines the nature of a  phrase. For example, in a  noun phrase, the head is a noun or pronoun. Idiom A set expression of two or more words that means something other than the literal meanings of its individual words. Imperative Mood The form of the verb that makes direct commands and requests. Imperative Sentence A sentence that gives advice or instructions or that expresses a request or command. (Compare with sentences that make a  statement, ask a  question, or express an  exclamation.) Indefinite Article The  determiner  an  or  an, which marks an unspecified  count noun.  A  is used before a word that starts with a  consonant  sound (a bat, a unicorn).  An  is used before a word that starts with a  vowel  sound (an uncle, an hour). Independent Clause A group of words made up of a  subject  and a  predicate. An independent clause (unlike a  dependent clause) can stand alone as a  sentence. Also known as the  main clause. Indicative Mood The  mood  of the verb used in ordinary statements: stating a fact, expressing an opinion, asking a question. Indirect Object A noun or pronoun that indicates to whom or for whom the action of a verb in a sentence is performed. Indirect Question A sentence that reports a  question  and ends with a  period  rather than a  question mark. Infinitive A  verbal--usually preceded by the  particle  to--that can function as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Inflection A process of word formation in which items are added to the  base  form of a word to express grammatical meanings. -ing  Form A contemporary linguistic term for the  present participle  and  gerund: any verb form that ends in  -ing. Intensifier A word that emphasizes another word or phrase. Intensifying adjectives modify nouns; intensifying adverbs commonly modify verbs,  gradable  adjectives, and other adverbs. Interjection The part of speech that usually expresses emotion and is capable of standing alone. Interrogative Sentence A sentence that asks a question. (Compare with sentences that make a  statement, deliver a  command, or express an  exclamation.) Interrupting Phrase A word group (a statement, question, or exclamation) that interrupts the flow of a sentence and is usually set off by commas, dashes, or parentheses. Intransitive Verb A verb that does not take a  direct object. Contrast with a transitive verb. Irregular Verb A verb that does not follow the usual rules for verb forms. Verbs in English are irregular if they do not have a conventional  -ed  form. Linking Verb A verb, such as a form of  be  or  seem, that joins the subject of a sentence to a  complement. Also known as a  copula. Mass Noun A noun (such as  advice, bread, knowledge) that names things which cannot be counted. A mass noun (also known as a  non-count noun) is used only in the singular. Contrast with  count noun. Modal A verb that combines with another verb to indicate  mood  or  tense. Modifier A word, phrase, or clause that functions as an adjective or adverb to limit or qualify the meaning of another word or word group (called the  head). Mood The quality of a verb that conveys the writers attitude toward a subject. In English, the  indicative mood  is used to make factual statements or pose questions, the  imperative mood  to express a request or command, and the (rarely used)  subjunctive mood  to show a wish, doubt, or anything else contrary to fact. Negation A grammatical construction that contradicts (or negates) part or all of a sentences meaning. Such constructions commonly include the  negative particle  not  or the contracted negative  nt. Noun The part of speech (or word class) that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action. Most nouns have both a singular and plural form, can be preceded by an article and/or one or more adjectives, and can serve as the  head  of a  noun phrase. Number The grammatical contrast between singular and plural forms of nouns, pronouns, determiners, and verbs. Object A noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that receives or is affected by the action of a verb in a sentence. Objective Case The case or function of a pronoun when it is the direct or indirect object of a verb or verbal, the object of a preposition, the subject of an infinitive, or an appositive to an object. The objective (or  accusative)  forms of English pronouns are  me, us, you, him, her, it, them, whom, and  whomever. Participle A verb form that functions as an adjective.  Present participles  end in  -ing;  past participles  of  regular verbs  end in  -ed. Particle A word that does not change its form through  inflection  and does not easily fit into the established system of parts of speech. Parts of Speech The traditional term for the categories into which words are classified according to their functions in sentences. Passive Voice A verb form in which the subject receives the verbs action. Contrast with  active voice. Past Tense A verb tense (the second  principal part  of a verb) indicating the action that occurred in the past and which does not extend into the present. Perfect Aspect A verb construction that describes events occurring in the past but linked to a later time, usually the present. Person The relationship between a subject and its verb, showing whether the subject is speaking about itself (first person--I  or  we); being spoken to (second person--you); or being spoken about (third person--he, she, it,  or  they). Personal Pronoun A pronoun that refers to a particular person, group, or thing. Phrase Any small group of words within a sentence or a clause. Plural The form of a noun that typically denotes more than one person, thing, or instance. Possessive Case The inflected form of nouns and pronouns usually indicating ownership, measurement, or source. Also known as  genitive case. Predicate One of the two main parts of a sentence or clause, modifying the subject and including the verb, objects, or phrases governed by the verb. Predicative Adjective An adjective that usually comes after a linking verb and not before a noun. Contrast with an attributive adjective. Prefix A letter or group of letters attached to the beginning of a word that partly indicates its meaning. Prepositional Phrase A group of words made up of a  preposition, its  object, and any of the objects  modifiers. Present Tense A verb tense that expresses action in the present time, indicates habitual actions or expresses general truths. Progressive Aspect A verb phrase made with a form of  be  plus  -ing  that indicates an action or condition continuing in the  present,  past, or  future. Pronoun A word (one of the traditional parts of speech) that takes the place of a noun, noun phrase, or noun clause. Proper Noun A noun belonging to the class of words used as names for unique individuals, events, or places. Quotation The reproduction of the words of a writer or speaker. In a  direct quotation, the words are reprinted exactly and placed in  quotation marks. In an  indirect quotation, the words are  paraphrased  and not put in quotation marks. Regular Verb A verb that forms its past tense and past participle by adding  -d  or  -ed  (or in some cases  -t) to the  base form. Contrast with an irregular verb. Relative Clause A  clause  introduced by a  relative pronoun  (​which, that, who, whom,  or  whose) or a  relative adverb  (where, when,  or  why). Sentence The largest independent unit of grammar: it begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. A sentence is traditionally (and inadequately) defined as a word or group of words that expresses a complete idea and that includes a subject and a verb. Singular The simplest form of a noun (the form that appears in a dictionary): a category of  number  denoting one person, thing, or instance. Subject The part of a sentence or clause that indicates what it is about. Subjective Case The case of a pronoun when it is the subject of a clause, a subject complement, or an appositive to a subject or a subject complement. The subjective (or  nominative) forms of English pronouns are  I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who  and  whoever. Subjunctive Mood The mood of a verb expressing wishes, stipulating demands, or making statements contrary to fact. Suffix A letter or group of letters added to the end of a word or stem, serving to form a new word or functioning as an inflectional ending. Superlative The form of an adjective that suggests the most or the least of something. Tense The time of a verbs action or state of being, such as past, present, and future. Transitive Verb A verb that takes a  direct object. Contrast with an intransitive verb. Verb The part of speech (or word class) that describes an action or occurrence or indicates a state of being. Verbal A verb form that functions in a sentence as a noun or a modifier rather than as a verb. Word A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single  morpheme  or a combination of morphemes. Word Class A set of words that display the same formal properties, especially their  inflections  and distribution. Similar to (but not synonymous with) the more traditional term  part of speech.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Zara Fashion - 3014 Words

Strategic Operation Management Assignment Zara fashion Zara is a clothing and accessories retailer selling stylish apparel at affordable prices, and it is also the most profitable brand of the Spanish clothing retail group Inditex SA. Ortega planned for this new Zara outlet, located near his factory in La Coruna in northern Spain, to sell this overstock merchandise himself. Since then, Zara has expanded into 500 stores in 68 countries as of January 2007 and has become a leader in customized fashion retailing. This assignment presents core competencies to help Zara achieve competitive advantages in fashion industry. Besides, we also offer five competitive objectives about quality, speed, flexibility, dependability and cost to evaluate†¦show more content†¦Zara is ready to choose crowded streets or center position of the city to locate stores and always changes the store layout in every two weeks. Though above analysis, Zaras core competencies ensure the four criteria of sustainable competitive advantages: valuable, rare, difficult to imitate and exploited by organization meaning cannot be replaced. Zaras products express a unique style that has created sustainable position in customers minds and make them feel in each of Zaras product. The attraction of Zara is creative in each product, innovative and unique characteristics. So it is not easy for competitors to achieve the results. Next, the essay will concern about five performance objectives that help Zara achieve competitive advantage in business. About quality, beauty, affordable prices and fashion are factors leading to magic success of Zara as well as other brands of Inditex, but it is not easy to do that. Amancio Ortega is president of the corporation with 32,000 employees, but he still has habit of operating as a family company with a clever and simple style. Zara operates with closed model from research, design, production, distribution and retail. Diversity, abundance and frequent changes of clothing design have become the biggest competitive advantage of Zara. The competitors expect to have the attraction like Zara. Most customers feel loss or lackShow MoreRelatedZara Fashion2487 Words   |  10 PagesZARA Fashion 1) With which of the international competitors listed in the case is it most interesting to compare Inditex’s financial results? Why? What do comparisons indicate about Inditex’s relative operating economics? Its relative capital efficiency? Note that while the electronic version of Exhibit 6 automates some of the comparisons, you will probably want to dig further into them? The four companies shown above have very different business models. Inditex owned much of the productionRead MoreZara Fashion Clothing : Zara1024 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION ZARA FASHION CLOTHING: Zara is one of the retail sale format of Inditex group and well-known an international fashion clothing brand which is very famous for its apparel and accessories. Zara is a place where we can buy all the latest fashionable clothes in the world as they launches 10,000 designs every year. Zara is one of the Spain famous fashion clothing brand which is located in 70 countries in the world. Zara company is started earlier in 1975 by Amancio Ortega, a famous businessRead MoreZara It for Fashion Case Study1595 Words   |  7 PagesExecutive Summary Zara has relied on Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) and Point of Sales (POS) terminal operating on Microsoft DOS which are not linked to the headquarters or other stores for its daily transactions. Although, the system has proved to be stable and reliable over time, it has become obsolete and cannot be supported by the providers. I recommend that the company invest on a new system like Windows, UNIX or Linux operating system which will enhance connectivity and flexibilityRead MoreFashion and Zara6167 Words   |  25 PagesZara Case Study: Fast Fashion from Savvy Systems After studying this case you should be able to: Understand how Zara used a technology-dominated strategy to make its parent company, Inditex, the world’s largest fashion retailer. List the factors leading to the demise of Gap. Understand how the application of technology to data collection and analysis allows Zara to spot trends and gain insight into the future preferences of customers. Identify the strategies, and the technologies used to implementRead MoreZara Fast Fashion2084 Words   |  9 Pagesefficiency? Note that while the electronic version of Exhibit 6 automates some of the comparisons, you will probably want to dig further into them. Background: Inditex is an international fashion retailer that designed, manufactured and sold apparel, footwear, and accessories for women, men, and children through Zara and other five chains around the world. The six retailing chains were organized as separate business units within an overall structure that also included six business support areas andRead MoreZara: It for Fast Fashion1266 Words   |  6 Pagesmachines leaving them incompatible with DOS. Because Zara’s core business model is vertically integrated, it could specialize in speed and efficiency and the fast fashion trend. By assessing the pros and cons of the new IT infrastructure with Zara’s brand image, they determined that implementing the new POS networking system is beneficial for Zara because 1) it creates a more robust and scalable system that is more responsive to Inditex’s supply chain network, 2) it removes the risk of the system becomingRead MoreZara, Fast Fashion1561 Words   |  7 Pagesmarket. Along with the globalization and technology development, consumers are easier to access to fashion. As a result, the customers are changing and the companies are evolving to deliver customers satisfaction. Zara, the most profitable brand of Spain clothing retail group Inditex, has leveraged its unique strategy to achieve success and will be expected to maintain a sustainable growth in the fashion industry. Zara’s core competencies can be divided into four areas: process development, distributionRead MoreZara It for Fast Fashion Case Notes903 Words   |  4 PagesZara IT for Fast Fashion Case Notes Identify decision issue, and your role as a decision maker Salgado and Sanchez need to decide if it is the right time to update Zara’s information technology. The key concern is the outdated operating system they use for their point of sale (POS) terminals. Should they purchase the current POS machines from their vendors so that they can support their needs in case the vendor changes their machines to new technology? Or should they move to using new operatingRead MoreEssay on Porter Analysis of the Zara Fashion Chain457 Words   |  2 PagesPorter Analysis of the Zara Fashion Chain The Zara fashion chain, with 546 stores in 30 countries today ?from which 340 are outside Spain- and ?2914,3 millions of total sales in 2002, is undoubtedly the group?s locomotive (Inditex, 2003). In 2002 it represented 33% of the group?s total stores, accounted for 72% of the group?s total sales and contributed to the holding?s total profits for ?540.4 millions (Inditex FY2002 Results Presentation, 2003). Moreover, Zara with 75-90 new stores withinRead MoreThe History of the Fashion Store Zara2181 Words   |  9 Pageslargest fashion distributors, has eight major sales formats - Zara, Pull and Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home y Kiddys Class- with 3.147 stores in 70 countries around the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inditex Group is comprised of over one hundred companies associated in textile design, manufacturing and distribution. The achievements of the company and the uniqueness of its management model, which is based on innovati on and flexibility, made Inditex one of the largest fashion distribution

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


CURRENT EVENTS: 1945-1996 Essay 1945On April 12 Harry S. Truman became President of the United States of America., In Washington, D.C. On August 6 at 9:15 a.m. US fighter planes dropped an Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima Japan. In Berlin, Germany on April 30, Adolf Hitler was found dead, Hitler committed suicide. 1946On October 16 in Nurenburg, 9 Nazi war criminals were hanged for the crimes during WW II. On April 25 Big Four Ministers met in Paris to finalize a treaty with Germany, to end WWII. In Austria Queens New York, on October 22, Chester Carlos tried his experiment that is commonly known as the Xerox machine. 1947On November 20, in England, Queen Elizabeth gets married to her cousin Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. On November 2, at the Long Beach Harbor, in Los Angeles, the Spruce Goose, the worlds largest airplane, flies for the first time. It got to 70 feet and flew for a mile. On April 7, in the US, Henry Ford dies at the age of 83. 1948On July 7, in Cleveland, Satchel Paige, a Negro sidearm pitcher, signed a contract to pitch for the all white Cleveland Indians, against the Yankees. In Washington, D.C. on June 24, President Harry S Truman signs a new Draft Act, requiring men 19 to 25 to register for the US military. On January Mohandas K Gahndi was assassinated at 78, in India, he died 20 minutes after being shot. 1949On the continent of the United States, Albert Einstein presents his gravitational theory to the world, on December 26. On July 27, Captain John Cunningham, a WW II fighter ace, flies the first jet airline, the Comet, from Britain. On October 10 in New York, Jackie Robinson wins the World Series MVP1950On January 25 the North Korean Reds invade Southern Korea by crossing the 38 Th parallel, a line set to separate the Korean land given to the Russians after WWII. On July 31 President Truman, from the White House in Washington, D.C., authorizes military build up in Korea, to stop the communist invasion of southern Korea. On August 21, in the US, Negro tennis player, Althea Gibson, becomes the first Negro to be admitted to pro tennis. 1951On January 15 the UN slows down the attack by North Korea and China in Korea. On November 28 the UN makes the 38 Th parallel a truce line for North Korea and South Korea, putting an end to the Korean war. In October, in New York the Yankees beat the Mets to win the World Series. 1952On March 5, in Washington, D.C., Dwight Eisenhower becomes president of the United States by a landslide. In Cuba on March ; the US signs a military aid pact with Cuba. On January 1 Illinois defeats Stanford 40-7 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. 1953On March 5 in Moscow, Joseph Stalin dies in a hospital, sometime before 10:00 p.m., after suffering from a heart attack. On June 2, in England, Elizabeth the II is crowned queen of England. On September 2 in Newport, Rhode Island, John Fitzgerald Kennedy gets married to Jacqueline Lee Buoveir. 1954On January 31 in Berlin the Big 4 met to discuss concerns for atomic weaponry. The Nautilus, the first US atomic submarine, is launched from Connecticut, at a harbor in Groton, on January 21. Joe Dimaggio got married to Marilyn Monroe at the San Francisco City Hall, on January 14. 1955On July 18 in Anaheim, California, Disneyland opens Never Never Land. The Big Four at Geneva on July 23 decided to discuss the problems in Europe at a later date, sometime in October. French tanks, in Morocco, on July 27, halt Moroccan riots, killing 56 people in the process. 1956On February 24 in Montgomery, Alabama buses are being boycotted, which was started by Rosa parks have gotten about 115 Negroes arrested. In April the Supreme Court rules that Negroes can ride buses with equal rights in Virginia, and will soon be enforced in 12 other southern counties. On March 22 in Montgomery, Alabama, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a reverend, and equality movement leader, was arrested and found guilty for orchestrating the bus boycotts. 1957On January 21 President Eisenhower is sworn in for his second term as president, in Washington, D.C. On January 4 the UN reopened the Suez Canal, after repairing damage done during the Suez Canal incident. On January 10 in Britain, Harold Macmillian replaced Anthony Eden as prime minister of Britain. 1958On February 1, the US launched its first space satellite from Cape Canaveral Florida. On February 25 former Cuban President Carlos Prio Socarras was arrested for planning an invasion of the US. Painter Georges Rouault, famous deep faith painter, died at 86 in Paris on Fe1959On Mat 28, two Monkeys, that were sent on an American space trip, a seven-pound rebus monkey named Able, and Baker, a 1 pound squirrel monkey, were picked up alive and well after landing in the Atlantic Ocean. On May 27 ex Secretary of State Forester Dulles died of cancer. On May 1 in Brazil, Claire Boothe Luce, resigned as ambassador of Brazil. 1960On November 9, in Washing ton DC, John F Kennedy is elected president of the United States of America. On November 12 the Discoverer XVII was launched into space from Vandenburgh Air Force Base. On November 16 Clark Gable died of a heart condition in Hollywood.1961On May 25 Alan B Sheppard Jr. was the first American in space for 15 minutes. On May 20, in Montana, freedom riders were beaten by 1,000 white men, 20 with clubs. On November 22 in Montgomery, Alabama, 400 National Guardsmen fight with a white mob, besieging Dr. king and 1,500 others in Dr. Kings church at the time. 1962On October 28 a new agreement between Kennedy and Cuban premier Khrushchev put an end to the terrible week, known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. On February 26 Lt. Col John H Glenn Jr., is the first American to orbit earth. On August 5 in Los Angeles, Marilyn Monroe was found dead, with a vial of sleeping pills beside her. 1963On August 28 200,000 people crowded the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. give his I Have a Dream speech. On November 22, in Dallas, Texas, Lee Harvey Oswald, Assassinated American President John F Kennedy. On November 25 in DC, JFK was buried in Arlington Cemetery as the nation mourns. 1964Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wins the Noble Peace Prize on December 10On December 16 Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy walked out of a hospital after six months, because of a broken spine, received in a plane accident. On December 10 near Jackson, Mississippi, 21 Ku Klux Klan members were arrested1965On March 28 25,00 civil rights demonstrators led by Dr. King and Abernathy, walked 50 miles from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. On March 18 Soviet Aleksei A Leonov Became the first man to leave the spacecraft in space. On February 15, Nat King Cole Dies. 1966On March 19 the Gemini 8 piloted by Neil Armstrong and David Scott, made the first two craft space docking with the Agena spacecraft. On June 6, Cape Canaveral sent an unmanned spacecraft to film the moon, the Gemini 9. On November 8, State Attorney General Edward W Brooke, was elected by popular vote, to become the first Negro senator. 1967On August 30 Thurgood Marshall becomes the first Negro on the supreme court, Washington, D.C. Progressive Era EssayIsrael invaded Lebanon in June to attempt to end PLO attacks. 1983On April 18 in Beirut, the US Embassy Building was bombed. 40 was the total death toll, with eight dead Americans and eight more presumed dead. Police believed the bombing was a suicide attack, by a man driving a car with 300 pounds of TNT. On April 13, the state of Chicago elects its first black mayor, Harold Washington. On September 1, a Korean Boeing 747 was gunned down by Soviet army jets. No explanation was given on why the Soviet Union gunned down the commercial flight, but the 269 passengers all died. 1984In July of 84, the Los Angeles Olympics opened like a Hollywood show. Economic reforms in China begin. On December 3, in Bhopal ,India, 50 tons of methyl isocyanide escaped into the air, from American pesticide company, Union Carbide.2,500 people died and over 100,000 were injured from the gas leak. 1985On January 21, due to cold weather and Americas premier winter sporting event, President Ronald Reagan was sworn in for his second term twice. Once legally and once for the American people. Reagan re-enacted the presidential oath on the day after, Super Bowl Sunday. On September 19 a earthquake the it Mexico, registered at 8.1. The earthquake hit Mexico City hard, damaging thousands homes and buildings. Combined with the 7.5 after shock, 20,000 people died. On November 1920 Ronald Reagan and Mikael Gorbachev had a summit to lay ground work for a disarmaments agreement and better US, Soviet relations. 1986At 11:38 a.m. the Challenger lifted off for 74 seconds before it exploded, killing the crew, as a horrified nation watched. Francis R Scab, the pilot, Michael J Smith, astronauts Judith A Resnik, Ronald E McNair, Ellision S Onizuka, Gregory B Jarvis, and a high school teacher from Concord, New Hamshpire, Crista McAullfie. On July 4 at Midnight all ships from dinghies to cruise ships are bobbing in the New York Bay, as fireworks went off in the air to celebrate the 100 Th birthday of the Statue of Liberty. On APRIL 26 in the Ukraine, Chernobyl nuclear power plant reactor 4 began to release radio activity. This is the first time a accident occurred in reactor 4. This is the worst Nuclear accident in the history of the world1987On October 19 the stock market had the largest drop in history. It dropped 508 points and 604 million shares changed hands. It became known as Black Monday. The Meech Lake Accords were worked out in 87. The accords were supposed to give Canada a constitution but the accords werent voted in. In December of 87 Palestinians living on the Gaza Strip, began an uprising against Israel because of 20 years of Israel occupation of the Gaza Strip. 1988In November George Bush a republican is elected in Washington DC, to be the 41st president of the United States of America. During the year of 1988 the largest banking scandal in United States history occurred. The Bank of Commerce and Credit International, had nine executives arrested along with 76 employees for money laundering. On December 21 Pan American Boeing 747, to go to London from New York, exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. The reportedly placed at the Rhiem-Meir airport in Germany, killed the 259 people on the plane and 11 people on the ground. This is one of the worst Arab. terrorist attacks ever. 1989Shortly after midnight on December 20, the United States invaded Panama to force Manuel Noriega out of power. Noriega was sought out for charges of smuggling drugs from Panama to the United States. On March 24 the oil tanker Exxon Valdez wrecked, I Prince William Sound, Alaska, spilling over 200,000 barrels of oil into the water. It was the worst American oil spill in history. On November 9 the Berlin wall opened and West and East Germany became one nation again. 1991On January 16 the United States attacked Iraq for invading Kuwait. The American attack was called operation Desert Storm. On December 8 the three republic of the Soviet Union, formed a new federation to end the Soviet Union. The Pittsburgh Penguins win their first Stanley Cup. 1992In November, Bill Clinton, a Democrat from Arkansas, is elected 42nd president of the United States. On April 30 the not guilty verdict, by an all white jury, for the Los Angeles cops that beat Rodney King, started LA riots. More than 50 people were killed and over one billion dollars in property damage was reported. Innocent bystanders were beaten, stores were looted, and buildings were set on fire. The Pittsburgh Penguins win their 2nd title and go back to back. 1993On January 20, the 42nd President, Bill Clinton, is sworn into office. In the middle of the work day on February 26, huge explosioned ripped through one of the World Trade Center towers. 6 people were killed, 1,000 injured. This being the biggest terrorist attack in the United States, the bomb was said to weigh 1,210 pounds. It was in a car in the parking lot, 50,000 were evacuated through stairwells. Ahmad M Ajaj, Nidal A Ayyad, Mahmud Abouhalima, and two others were arrested. On October 6, Chicago Bulls star, Michael Jordan, retires. The superstar, with many scoring titles and three rings, later signed a contract to play baseball for the White Sox, but was sent to the minors. 1994Starting on June 17, and lasting until July 17, The World Cup, soccers World Series, was held in the us for the first time. It started with a game between Germany and Bolivia in Chicago, and ended in Los Angeles after Brazil defeated Italy for the cup. Other games were held in Detroit, San Francisco, Dallas, Washington DC, New York and Orlando. Amman Jordan Israel Prime minister and Jordans Prime Minister Abd as-Salam al-Majali, initialized a peace treaty between their two nations in Israel. It ended enmity since the State of Israel came to be in 1948OJ Simpson was arrested for suspected murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman. He was captured after a slow speed chase, in a white ford bronco, driven by his friend AC. They drove on a LA highway1995On January 17, the biggest earthquake in 50 years hit Japan. It was 7.2 on the Richter scale. It heavily damaged Kobe, killing 5,000 people over a 60 mile radius. 31,000 buildings and homes were destroyed, 275,000 people were homeless. The massive earthquake only lasted 20 seconds. OJ Simpson was acquitted on his murder charges of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. 19 Israelis were killed, 60 others wounded when two suicide bombers blew up a crowded bus stop in Tel-Aviv. The militant group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. 1996In April of 96 the Menendez brothers were convicted of murdering their parents a few years ago, and were sentenced to life in prison. The Chicago Bulls break a NBA record by wining 70 game in one season. The 73-9 Bulls, broke the record set by the Los Angeles Lakers was 69. In April of 96, Ted Kaszinski was arrested in suspicion of being the unibomber. Teds brother David told someone who told the FBI, that Ted may be the unibobmer after seeing some of Teds writing and its similarty with the unibombers. Another reason was David noticed that most of the places the bomb were sent from, his brother was living in a the time. This, if Ted is convicted, could end the longest manhunt in FBI history.